About Us

"Man makes himself; he does not come into the world fully made, he makes himself by choosing his own morality, and his circumstances are such that he has no option other than to choose a morality. We can define man only in relation to his commitments."

From Existentialism is a Humanism by Jean-Paul Sartre

I do not claim myself to be a fountain of refined wisdom, but as the years remaining in my life lessen with each passing day towards my inescapable death, I am comprehending better and better the necessity to live a life I will not regret once my last day does infallibly arrive. One can either elect to live in angst at the realization that the magnitude of one's self-realization is solely their own responsibility to bear, or they can make the choice to rapidly commit themselves to actualizing their fullest potential into reality.

Currents Alpine Group's purpose is spotlighting the personal responsibility of becoming the most unadulterated version of yourself to the fullest extent.

Outdoor recreation, traveling, firearm self-defense, motorsport, materialism, & psychedelics are a handful of the channels we enjoy refining ourselves within.